Answers they never heard before

JerseyFire is one of my favorite events.  There are two days of teachings and then we hit the boardwalk to share the gospel.  I spent most of the outreach time doing open air.  Before I was completely setup I had people coming over to check out my banner that I use.  I had a crowd most of the night.  I walked new people that came to the crowd through the good person test and then explained the gospel.  Then I would answer questions to those that had questions.  Through a good portion of the time I had at least 3 people in line to get questions answered.  

I had a group of 10 young people that were about 21 years old.  One of the young men was homosexuals.  He wanted to know if he was going to go to hell just because he was gay.  I explained that he would go to hell because he had lusted after a person, lied and stolen.  He told me that he was good with God and he knew it because God made him this way.  He said he was born gay.  I asked 3 guys that were further back in the crowd if it was fair to say they were born fornicators?  They said yes they were.  I turned back to the gay young man and told him that he had to repent of being gay just like those 3 men had to repent of being fornicators.    He sat down on the ground and hung out for a long time and listened.  He got up and asked many questions and then would sit back down.  This group of young people left and came back several times.  

At one point this group wanted to know when I would be back to speak again.  I told them I would be back next year on this weekend and they said that they would be back since they thought I was nice and wanted to hear me talk more.

After we were packing up and about to leave I turned around and the crowd was back again.  They asked many questions.  Many others came over to hear what was going on and I answered more questions.  Two very buff angry homosexuals came over and wanted to know why I was homophobic.  I told them that I was not afraid of homosexuals.  I walked over and hugged the young man that had been there earlier that day.  I told him that I loved him enough to tell him the truth but it was not me that brought up homosexuality it was him.  

He asked what was I all about then.  I walked him and his friend through the good person test and gave them the gospel.  He marched off for a bit after he heard the gospel, however after some time he and his friend came back.  He pointed his hand in my face and told me that I had lost.  Homosexuals had won.  I was left behind and poor.  I stood there and prayed and smiled.  He said “and all you can do it stand there with your cute little smile.”  He told the entire crowd not to listen to me and then forcibly removed the crowd.  

After they walked away we went back to the campsite.

The next day I heard a story.  A Christian couple had been very upset about how some of the hecklers had treated a women with a broken thumb with ice on it.  Honestly I loved all the hecklers and would not have changed a thing since they gathered such a great crowd.  I had slammed the door on my thumb earlier that day but went witnessing any way.  However they said that they were so upset about it that they got the courage to share the gospel with people they thought were mean to me.  They said it was the first time they had shared the gospel with others.

It was such a great weekend for the glory of God!

I had a booth at Hampton Community days. It was a great day. I was so surprised at how many young people claimed to be out right atheists. I had conversations with high school students that I normally have with college students. There were a few feisty high school students there that day. Lots of young people heard the gospel as well as adults.

I spent one day downtown Pittsburgh handing out tracts and witnessing one to one. I had several really good conversations. I had one young lady tell me I should sell the million dollar bills instead of handing them out. I asked her if she knew what was on the back of them. She said no and then after I shared the gospel with her she said that is a good message.

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