Questions to start Conversations

  • Do you have any spiritual beliefs?
  • Who is Jesus Christ to you?
  • If you died today would you go to Heaven or Hell?
  • Are you good enough to go to Heaven?
  • If you stood before God and he asked why should I let you into my heaven what would you say?
  • Do good people go to heaven?
  • Do you believe in justice after you die?
  • Does Hitler deserve to go to Hell?
  • Do you have a religious background?
  • Do you believe in Heaven and Hell?
  • If what you believe is not true would you want to know?
  • If you died today where would you go?
  • What is your toughest question you have about God?
  • If you died today where would you go?
  • Does truth matter to you?
  • Who goes to heaven and who goes to hell?
  • Do you ever pray? Who do you pray to?
  • Should Murders get Justice?
  • Do all dogs go to heaven?
  • Have you done anything to deserve Hell?
  • Is murder wrong and if so by what standard?
  • How do you get truth without God?
  • Do you believe in a historic Jesus?
  • Who do you think Jesus is?
  • Do you believe in God or a higher power? (Why or why not… and  if so, what is     that God  like?)
  • How did the Universe come into being? (Is it eternal, was it a big bang, or was it created?)
  • Do you believe in such a thing as objective (absolute) morality? (That there are things that are right or wrong that everyone should follow.)
  • What happens when you die? (Do you believe in an afterlife, or do you just return to dust and that’s the end?)
  • What is the key to human happiness? (What is the deepest desire of the human heart?)
  • What are the most serious problems the world is facing today, and how can they be fixed? (What bothers you about the world around you?)
  • Is there a meaning to life and what is it? (How did you come to that answer, and where does meaning come from?)
  • What is a human being? (Are we any different from animals, and should we have any additional rights that they don’t have… and why?)
  • Do you believe that Truth exists? If so, how do we know the Truth? (Is it absolute and unchanging, or is it subjective and changeable? – May be true for you, but it is not true for me.)
  • If you could ask one question about the Christian faith, what would it be?